For this 10th edition, the IdEX Bordeaux will sponsor 3 prizes for young researchers of 500€ each.
These prices will be given to the best poster, the best oral communication and a special prize will be given by the audience!
Deadline for submissions (poster + oral communication): 13 avril 2017
Goals of the Young Scientist Symposium
Since its first edition in 2008, the Young Scientist Symposium has pursued three main goals:
Offering young researchers (mainly PhD students and postdocs), working in chemistry and biology, the opportunity to present their work in animated oral or poster presentation sessions.
Encouraging interdisciplinary and international communication between young researchers to facilitate collaborative research, networking, and knowledge transfer, offering two inspiring keynote lectures of established, internationally recognized scientists.
Informing young researchers about different career options, by organizing a career session with three scientific PhD graduates, invited to speak about their career in e.g. academia, industries, scientific communications or other alternative career paths.
Invited speakers
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr Annette Beck-Sickinger (Leipzig University, Germany), Prof. Dr. Leonard Prins (Padova University, Italy)
Round table :
Dr. Cédric Mesmin (MERCK, Martillac , France), Marc Labourdette (ML2S/Brain Education, France), Lionel Demeure-Besson (Pharmacos, Belgium)
Dr. Axel Innis (Université de Bordeaux, INSERM U1212, France), Dr. Anne-Sophie Voisin-Chiret (Université de Caen, CERMN, France), Axelle Grélard (IECB, Bordeaux, France)